There are no opposites, ⠀ things are complementary.⠀, created: 2021-06-03
There are no opposites, ⠀
things are complementary.⠀
After working with colour for a while,⠀
there is a need to work in greys again.⠀
I cannot and will not explain it rationally,⠀
it is a necessity.⠀
When the need arises for the first time,⠀
that doesn't mean I'll go into it right away.⠀
It will happen when the time is right.⠀
The path I follow in my work is to follow ⠀
the rhythm of the breath.⠀
The breating in nature, of the ocean, ⠀
the breating in me.⠀
Literally and in a figurative sense.⠀
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Which rhythm do you follow?⠀