How are you? Hopefully you are enjoying the lovely weather.
It has been and still is a busy time and I'm happy to share some news with you!
In this newsletter:
- It's all about complements
- Arttalk 2 with Elizabeth Mikellides
- Exhibitions and Leporello
- Blog
- Residency at sea
It's all about complements.

After working with colour for a while, there is a need to work in greys again.⠀
I cannot and will not explain it rationally, it is a necessity.⠀
When the need arises for the first time, that doesn't mean I'll go into it right away.⠀
It will happen when the time is right.⠀
The path I follow in my work is to follow the rhythm of the breath,⠀
the breathing in nature, of the ocean, my breathing.⠀
Literally and in a figurative sense.
Click here to see more work on paper
Click here to see the PDF Already ten of the series "breathing" are sold.
If you would like to see more, feel free to drop me a line and we can discuss your wishes.
Click here to get in touch directly.
For the Artist Support Pledge there are still a few drawings available.
Arttalk 2

Did you join our Instagram Live Arttalk 2 about colour with Elizabeth Mikellides?
Both Elizabeth's drawings and mine have a lot of parallels
in putting layers on top of each other and in how we think about drawing.
And still the outcome is so beautifully different.
In case you missed it, you're welcome to listen to the replay here: Arttalk 2.
Do you follow Elizabeth already on Instagram? @elizabethmikellides
In case you're not following me yet, my Insta handle is @selmadronkers
Exhibitions and Leporello

This year has been and still is very busy with postponed exhibitions....
My work is still on show at The balie in Amsterdam as part of the Artist Support Pledge
and at Galerie Noord in Groningen.
Together with the artists of Blendprojects my work will be on show the end of september
at Art The Hague and in November at The Biennale at Pulchri in The Hague.
The Leporello is a project of The Dutch Association of Drawers.
I've had a lot of chats with people about the word Drawers.....
Each of the twenty two members who join this project will make a drawing
partly based on the drawing before.
The Leporello will be unveiled at the Biennale in Pulchri.

In case you don't have Instagram you can read everything on my blog page.
Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions!
Project at sea
As you probably know my work is influenced by my long stays at open sea.
At sea the role of the weather is dominant and leading.
"I want" is not an option." I would like to" is a better one. And even than....
In my work I have the same attitude: I see possibilities and I go for it.
Focused and alert. My work is process based.
My drawings are not about what I see, they are based on an experience.
You can read more in the blog here.
This summer I'll have a bit more space to work on the boat, in the harbour and also at sea.
Thanks to my in-laws I have this opportunity to work on a bigger boat, a more than 40 years old Dutch classic design which is not build anymore.
I'm very curious if I can work while sailing because I get easily seasick!
But hey, every new occasion means a new adventure!
As a preparation I need to think about on what sizes I'll work, probably up to 50x65cm.
I'll work on paper in the first place and maybe something else will come into my mind.
The materials I'll take with me have to be simple and not too many.
I'll draw with markers, maybe colored pencil and paint with the three colours
I'm using now plus black and white. .
The airbrush ink I'll dilute with seawater and we'll see what will happen.
I'll keep in touch with you through the newsletter and posts
or maybe even a live on Instagram.
Is there anything you'd specially like to hear about, to know or to see?
Reply on this newsletter and let me know.
Or write your question here.
Let's stay in touch!
If you have friends or colleagues who you think might be interested
feel free to send them this newsletter.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Take care,
X Selma