-Drawing at Sea, an update exclusively for you as a newsletter reader
I hope you're having a beautiful summer and that you can relax a bit.
This summer for me is a new experience and I'd love to share it with you!
For ten years I've been traveling every summer with my partner Reyn Waldram on a 26Ft (7,60 m) small sailboat to England and France.
Experiencing nature to the fullest, having to deal with the weather, high and low tides, current and all the circumstances like engine failure and a broken sail was a real challenge and sometimes the weather was really though.
Without this experience, sailing on a small boat, I wouldn't appreciate the luxury of our 30 Ft (9 meter) 42 years old sailboat.as much as we do now.
This size makes it possible to work while we are traveling.
Drawing at Sea
What happened until now:
When it's possible to work inside I'll work with airbrush ink and seawater.
As everything is unpredictable at sea I work also in small booklets with thin
sheets of bamboo paper in a natural color.

Booklet with bamboo paper
With a Chinese brush marker I followed the waves and the movements of the boat the way I experienced these movements.
If you would like to be the first to see more please let me know. I'll send you a PDF.

A few drawings also in a smaal booklet with thin bamboo paper
In this booklet I followed the movements of the bow of our ship.
We were sailing with the wind only with a foresail over port side (left side).
Depending on the wind and the height of the waves the bow was above or under the horizon (the horizontal line).
The sea state was a bit rough.

Trip from Le Havre to Dives sur Mėr
On this trip we went also with the the wind but there was far less wind.
The boat was not so much banging on the water surface like on the other trip.
The bow moved gently up and down, from right to left.
Instead of a brush marker I used a marker with a thin tip.
In the last two booklets I intuitively worked from right to left.
When I looked back I saw that the drawings looked like a heartbeat, a musical notation or the movements a conductor makes!
The next update and newsletter will be in august.
If you would like to be the first to see more of these drawings
please let me know. I'll send you a PDF.
Feel free to share this newsletter with others who you think may be interested, thank you.
I wish you a lovely time and we'll speak soon!
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