New abstract drawings and exhibitions, created: 2021-10-27


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-  Art The Hague, the after-effect
-  Kunstlijn in Haarlem
-  BiĆ«nnale of the NKvT in Pulchri, The Hague
-  Alice in Wonderland

Hello  *|FNAME|*,

Are you ready for the autumn - in Europe-
or do do wish to stay a little longer in a summer mood?

It's a time of change: temperature, mood, colours.
I made a few drawings on hdf with pastel light colours.
These small drawings which look bigger than their actual size. 
Everything turns into it's opposite.......

(If you would like to read more about this topic, click here)

But first the after-effect of the art fair Art The Hague.

Selecting works for an exhibition: I always find this difficult.
There are so many combinations which could potentially work well.
I really appreciated it to arrange our booth on Art The Hague together with my colleagues from Blendprojects.
Finally we changed our mind and put together a bigger series of drawings on hdf instead of a combination of work on paper and work on hdf.
It turned out to be more balanced and powerful.
I find it also hard to choose on forehand because of all the other works and materials which are occupying my studio.

During Art The Hague I had the time to observe the works carefully.
The after effect is that I feel that I'm not yet ready with the drawings on hdf
and putting layer upon layer to create a surface.
Also I'd like to do more research on using natural resin instead of epoxy
and if will be a meaningful addition to the drawings.

These drawings below have a matt surface.


Els Moes  will show next to her own work drawings, paintings and 3D work
of all the participants in Blendprojects.

Click here to see two of my drawings 

Biƫnnale of the `Nederlandse Kring van Tekenaars in Pulchri.
Opening: 30 OIctober at 16.00 uur by the director of the tAmsterdam museum: Judikje Kiers,

Especially for this occasion some members made a big Leporello which will be unveiled during the opening.
Till 28 November.
Click here for more information



In these new drawings on hdf my main focus is on tone, warm and cool colours.
Many layers on top of each other form quite a diffuse surface.
That's why you as an observer can feel a bit lost the first few minutes.
My hope is that you'll feel like Alice in Wonderland and enter a world
which hides behind the physical appearance of the drawing.

Click here to see a few works.

Thank you so much for showing an interest in my work 
if you'd like any further information, then please do get in touch:(click here).

I look forward to hearing from you,

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